About 996 unidentified human remains of Hispanics/Latinos have been reported found since 1966-02-08 in the Border States of Arizona, California , New Mexico and Texas combined. The vast majority of these remains are indicated to be from Mexico.
The latest remains reported were found on 2013-12-31 in East York, ON M4C 5A3, Canada,, .
Over 29% (296) of these remains (SEE MAP AT LEFT) indicate that the deceased had some form of dental work, and can potentially be identified (or excluded) from dental records obtained from the deceased's treating Dental Professional. (In 59 of these cases DNA profiles are on file, and in at least 70 of the cases remains are skeletonized)
It is virtually impossible to make a missing person report for a person missing outside the USA to USA authorities.
If the family (or loved one's) know of the missing person's treating Dental Professional, just print THIS DENTAL REQUEST FORM. Complete the form and take it to the dentist.
These values can then be entered on line here.
The record will be entered into our MISSING PERSON database and searched against all records in our UNIDENTIFIED PERSON database (about 5000 records).
If a match is found, an email is sent to the address supplied when completing the form.
The name or address of the missing person or the person reporting is not required.
It should be noted that many of these remains are skeletonized and yield very few identifying features. A method called DENTAL CHART SEQUENCING is used exclusively by MISSING PERSON LINK to link remains to missing persons based solely on dental records.
This service is entirely FREE of charge.